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Humanitarian border – arena of political struggle is a multilingual article series consisting of popular articles based on migration governance research. The articles are written and translated by a group of international researchers from diverse linguistic and geographical backgrounds. Different experts and civil society activists on migration issues participate in the multilingual discussion through critical commentary texts.
The article series includes in total five articles translated from English to Finnish, Italian, Greek and Spanish. The texts will be published during spring 2022. With this multilingual endeavour we aim to spread access to research knowledge beyond the English (or Finnish) speaking public. We find such attempts particularly important concerning topics as migration that often occur beyond the dominant linguistic borders.
Humanitarian borders multilingual article series has been edited by Anna Marjaana Heikkinen, the editor-in-chief of Versus online magazine.
Contributing authors: Kirsipauliina Kallio, Jouni Häkli, Elisa Pascucci, Aila Spatholopou, Angel Iglesias Ortiz
Article photo: Humberto Chavez/Unsplash
Humanitarian border – arena of political struggle: articles
Humanitaarinen raja – poliittisen kamppailun areena
Maahanmuuttokysymykset jakavat mielipiteet herkästi ääripäihin. Kirsipauliina Kallio ja Jouni Häkli pohtivat tekstissään humanitaarisen rajan käsitteen avulla maahanmuuttoilmiön monimutkaisuutta inhimillisen hädän ja kovan rajavalvonnan välillä.
Humanitarian border – arena of political struggle
Migration debates tend to become polarized into extreme ends. Humanitarian border is a concept that seeks to disentagle the complexity of migration phenomenon between a human distress and a hard border control.
Il confine umanitario – uno spazio di lotta politica
Il dibattito pubblico sulle migrazioni è estremamente polarizzato. Il concetto di confine umanitario consente di far luce, almeno in parte, sulla complessità di un fenomeno in cui controllo delle frontiere, aiuto umanitario, e condizioni di estrema sofferenza appaiono spesso inseparabili e indistinguibili.
Ανθρωπιστικά σύνορα – πεδίο μάχης πολιτικών αγώνων
Οι συζητήσεις για τη μετανάστευση τείνουν να πολώνονται σε ακραία άκρα. Τα ανθρωπιστικά σύνορα είναι μια έννοια που προσπαθεί να διαχωρίσει την πολυπλοκότητα του μεταναστευτικού φαινομένου μεταξύ μιας ανθρώπινης δυσπραγίας και ενός σκληρού συνοριακού ελέγχου.
La frontera humanitaria – una arena de lucha política
Los debates sobre la migración suelen estar polarizados en dos extremos. La frontera humanitaria es un concepto que busca a romper la complejidad del fenómeno entre el sufrimiento humano el control estricto de las fronteras.
Humanitarian border – arena of political struggle is a multilingual article series consisting of popular articles based on migration governance research. The articles are written and translated by a group of international researchers from diverse linguistic and geographical backgrounds. Different experts and civil society activists on migration issues participate in the multilingual discussion through critical commentary texts.
The article series includes in total five articles translated from English to Finnish, Italian, Greek and Spanish. The texts will be published during spring 2022. With this multilingual endeavour we aim to spread access to research knowledge beyond the English (or Finnish) speaking public. We find such attempts particularly important concerning topics as migration that often occur beyond the dominant linguistic borders.
Humanitarian borders multilingual article series has been edited by Anna Marjaana Heikkinen, the editor-in-chief of Versus online magazine.
Contributing authors: Kirsipauliina Kallio, Jouni Häkli, Elisa Pascucci, Aila Spatholopou, Angel Iglesias Ortiz
Article photo: Humberto Chavez/Unsplash
Humanitarian border – arena of political struggle: articles
Humanitaarinen raja – poliittisen kamppailun areena
Maahanmuuttokysymykset jakavat mielipiteet herkästi ääripäihin. Kirsipauliina Kallio ja Jouni Häkli pohtivat tekstissään humanitaarisen rajan käsitteen avulla maahanmuuttoilmiön monimutkaisuutta inhimillisen hädän ja kovan rajavalvonnan välillä.
Humanitarian border – arena of political struggle
Migration debates tend to become polarized into extreme ends. Humanitarian border is a concept that seeks to disentagle the complexity of migration phenomenon between a human distress and a hard border control.
Il confine umanitario – uno spazio di lotta politica
Il dibattito pubblico sulle migrazioni è estremamente polarizzato. Il concetto di confine umanitario consente di far luce, almeno in parte, sulla complessità di un fenomeno in cui controllo delle frontiere, aiuto umanitario, e condizioni di estrema sofferenza appaiono spesso inseparabili e indistinguibili.
Ανθρωπιστικά σύνορα – πεδίο μάχης πολιτικών αγώνων
Οι συζητήσεις για τη μετανάστευση τείνουν να πολώνονται σε ακραία άκρα. Τα ανθρωπιστικά σύνορα είναι μια έννοια που προσπαθεί να διαχωρίσει την πολυπλοκότητα του μεταναστευτικού φαινομένου μεταξύ μιας ανθρώπινης δυσπραγίας και ενός σκληρού συνοριακού ελέγχου.
La frontera humanitaria – una arena de lucha política
Los debates sobre la migración suelen estar polarizados en dos extremos. La frontera humanitaria es un concepto que busca a romper la complejidad del fenómeno entre el sufrimiento humano el control estricto de las fronteras.
Versus on maantiedettä, aluetiedettä ja yhteiskunnallista ympäristötutkimusta yleistajuistava verkkojulkaisu, joka luo tilaa argumentoivalle ja moniääniselle dialogille.
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