Video abstract: Climate change activism in the city of Pune, India
Lukuaika: < 1 min.This video abstract introduces a recently published essay ”Performing arts of embodied refusal amid anthropogenic climate change: the Salim Ali Biodiversity Park and Bird Sanctuary, Pune, India”. The essay was written by Michele Lobo, Abha Bhagwat, and Dharmaraj Patil.
What is the scale of territorial coherence that encourages endogenous governance?
Lukuaika: 15 min.Territorial identity remains significant to ensure place-based self-governance and feelings of being involved in regional decision-making.
Utilizing educational mobile and VR games with older adults
Lukuaika: 5 min.Sustainable pedagogy and educational games lower the threshold for older adults to try new forms of technology and create lifelong learning.
Regional actors’ agency for optimising access to the Nordic battery industrial sites
Lukuaika: 9 min.The agency of regional actors will enhance the accessibility to the battery industrial sites and strengthen the supply value chain, thus making investing in the region more attractive and sustainable.
Can myths and business coexist in the forests? -podcast
Lukuaika: < 1 min.Can myths and business coexist in the forests? In this Versus podcast episode post-doctoral researcher Violeta Gutiérrez-Zamora from Luke and Versus editor-in-chief Anna Heikkinen discuss the plural values and uses of the forests.
Earth and wind in the Anthropocene
Lukuaika: 11 min.Huijbens and Benediktsson focus on the necessity of the energy transition to tackle climate change, more specifically the development of wind energy. In re-reading old ideas and future aspirations in this context, opportunities exist for envisioning the future differently and create alternatives to grand narratives and fix-all panaceas.
Colombia’s new way towards ”living well”
Lukuaika: 10 min.The philosophy of buen vivir, or ”living well’, has recently influenced institutions in several South American countries. Can buen vivir offer guidance towards more inclusive policies for the new government of Colombia?
The pandemic and the right to the city
Lukuaika: 12 min.Residues of the changes that the global pandemic brought about can still be seen in all dimensions of city life. The future city is being shaped by the lines we draw today and what we are willing to surrender.
Other lenses are needed to keep bioeconomy on a sustainable track
Lukuaika: 11 min.Over the last decade, the bioeconomy has become a popular strategy proposed to shift our economies away from fossil fuels and boost local economic growth, especially of rural areas.
However, critiques of the bioeconomy have pointed at its reductionist view of rural areas as providers of biomass and containers of industries and infrastructure.
The Guardians of the Maya Forest
Lukuaika: 23 min.Researchers from three continents discuss the extensions and the limits of the nature state. Senior researcher Hanna Laako and her colleagues study the Maya Forest in the borderlands of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize.