Ανθρωπιστικά σύνορα – πεδίο μάχης πολιτικών αγώνων
Lukuaika: 12 min.Το κείμενο αυτό αποτελεί μέρος μιας πολύγλωσσης σειράς άρθρων για τα ανθρωπιστικά σύνορα. // Οι συζητήσεις για τη μετανάστευση τείνουν να πολώνονται σε ακραία άκρα. Τα ανθρωπιστικά σύνορα είναι μια έννοια που προσπαθεί να διαχωρίσει την πολυπλοκότητα του μεταναστευτικού φαινομένου μεταξύ μιας ανθρώπινης δυσπραγίας και ενός σκληρού συνοριακού ελέγχου.
Il confine umanitario – uno spazio di lotta politica
Lukuaika: 18 min.Il testo è parte di una serie di articoli multilingue sul tema dei confine umanitari. // Il dibattito pubblico sulle migrazioni è estremamente polarizzato. Il concetto di confine umanitario consente di far luce, almeno in parte, sulla complessità di un fenomeno in cui controllo delle frontiere, aiuto umanitario, e condizioni di estrema sofferenza appaiono spesso inseparabili e indistinguibili.
Humanitarian border – arena of political struggle
Lukuaika: 10 min.Migration debates tend to become polarized into extreme ends. Humanitarian border is a concept that seeks to disentagle the complexity of migration phenomenon between a human distress and a hard border control.
Humanitarian border – arena of political struggle: multilingual article series
Lukuaika: 3 min.Humanitarian border – arena of political struggle is a multilingual article series consisting of popular articles on migration governance research. The articles are written and translated by a group of international reserachers from diverse linguistic and geographical backgrounds.
Dangerous border – but for whom?
Lukuaika: 7 min.The question of danger in the US-Mexican border has become a polarized shouting match in the US politics. But who is in danger? In his article, Henrik Dorf Nielsen discusses the diverse perception of danger in the Arizona borderlands and who are those under greatest threat.